
Palm POLLEN 20 gram


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palm pollen:

Pollen is dust or pollen grains that are responsible for reproduction in plants

Palm pollen is the fine flour found in the male cobs of the male palm. It resembles wheat flour. It is white in color, tends to yellow, and has a smell like the smell of semen. It is taken from the male palm and sprinkled on the female palm for pollination. The bees contribute a great role in this process.

Diseases that palm pollen helps treatments:


  • Impotence and infertility in women and men for depression of gametogenesis in both.
  • sputum productive cough, dengue hemorrhagic fever and weak immunity
  • Diarrhea – stomach ulcers – colitis
  • hemophilia- anemia – arteriosclerosis.
  • Abscesses and boils – pimples and zits – bedsores
  • Eczema – Allergies – Asthma.
  • Alcoholism- encephalitis.


palm pollen:


Pollen is dust or pollen grains that are responsible for reproduction in plants

Palm pollen is the fine flour found in the male cobs of the male palm. It resembles wheat flour. It is white in color, tends to yellow, and has a smell like the smell of semen. It is taken from the male palm and sprinkled on the female palm for pollination. The bees contribute a great role in this process.


Palm pollen nutritional value:


It contains several nutrients, such as: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D. It is rich in carbohydrates and protein; Among the most important essential amino acids in it; Lysine and leucine, in addition to containing polyunsaturated fats, nucleic acids, ovarian stimulating hormones, enzymes, flavonoids, beta-carotene, antioxidants and mineral salts such as calcium, phosphorous and iron.



Benefits of palm pollen and its medicinal properties:


  • Tonic and stimulating for sexual ability and production of more sperm in males.
  • Tonic for the ovaries and regulator of the menstrual cycle and help women to get pregnant.
  • Protects the body from cell damage and softens and emollients for the skin
  • Tonic for capillaries in the body and reducing cholesterol in the blood.
  • Tonic for the stomach, help digestion.
  • Tonic for the body in general and stimulate body’s immune system.
  • Helps balance hormones in the body and calms the nerves.
  • Delays the symptoms of aging, tonic and protects from osteoporosis.


Diseases that palm pollen helps treatments:


  • Impotence and infertility in women and men for depression of gametogenesis in both.
  • sputum productive cough, dengue hemorrhagic fever and weak immunity
  • Diarrhea – stomach ulcers – colitis
  • hemophilia- anemia – arteriosclerosis.
  • Abscesses and boils – pimples and zits – bedsores
  • Eczema – Allergies – Asthma.
  • Alcoholism- encephalitis.


Mode of use:

Palm pollen is eaten on an empty stomach at a dose ranging from two to four grams with honey or butter for a period ranging from 6 to 8 weeks.

It is used for women to wear a diaper with pollen before intercourse to treat infertility, and palm pollen is added to the rinsing water to strengthen and stimulate ovulation in women a week after the end of the menstrual period and for a period of ten days

It is used in the manufacture of moisturizing creams for the skin



Contraindicated in case of allergy to pollen

It is forbidden to take palm pollen for pregnant women, lactating women, and young children under eight years of age, as there are no experiments on its effect on them

It is not recommended to use it for patients with prostate because it blocks urination.

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